Thursday, July 16, 2009

the ego has landed

The start line...

My forever friend, bosom buddy, confidant and advisor announced at the start of the year that she would be running in the Manitoba Marathon and asked if I'd join her in entering the 13.1 mile half marathon. I agreed, thinking she would certainly change her mind before we had to put our money down. By the time the end of March came she was still talking like she was going to race so I began to train. From scratch I started a regiment to get in half-marathon shape. After a few false starts I began to find my groove and (gasp!) started to enjoy the challenge. We crossed the finish line a month ago but I have found myself still running. I'm hooked. I'm addicted to the self-satisfaction running provides every time I lace up from watching the body morph to feeling the endorphins drown my brain.

I was removing the calendar pages I had made up to keep record of my training progress from the inside of my pantry door. A quick calculation put my running miles near 200. With pages clutched in hand I was at a Mexican stand off with myself. The tape was still sticky! I could put the pages back on the door! The garbage can was less than a foot away... I could throw them out! In my mind's eye I could see my husband's eye brows lift while he asked what on earth I need to keep those pages for. But what is that I sense? A slight tugging at my gut and a twitch in my eye? Enter Ego! Haven't heard from you in a while what with being busy being Mom and Wife.... Ego implores - no, INSISTS there be some kind of record of this new part of our life.

Hello Blog!

As a way to track progress, a tool to motivate and a forum to ponder life matters - running and otherwise - I hope to maintain this discussion. Anything to keep this prairie girl running...

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