Thursday, July 16, 2009

what about running anyway

There has been a considerable amount of running in my life - mostly "off at the mouth" where a foot is eventually required to plug the verbal onslaught with embarrassing consequences. There has been some running toward, quite a lot of running away. For the past several months I have decided to try running as a way to get fit/lose weight/live longer/set a good example for the kids/find time for me. Turns out running has been a great exercise in self-rediscovery. If I could only stop losing myself to begin with...

There are a few things running has helped me find. My pre-pregnancy waistline, for one. The purpose of exercise for me has always been so I can eat whatever I want, when I want. The bi-products of this primary goal have been many and of surprising merit. I have rediscovered my physical and mental strength, confidence, pride, and maybe, just maybe I am tapping back into my essence, my inner goddess, (dare I say?) my "mojo."

I understood the benefits of running for cardiovascular exercise but the whole training and racing thing was always an extremist activity in my mind. A group of grown-ups challenging each other to a foot race seemed a little immature and nearly bizarre to me. Until I tried it. Training for a race is as much a mental challenge as a physical one and finally, after experiencing it first hand, I can start to understand the passion that fuels the runner. Running a race is a thrill and an accomplishment and it is amazing because, despite all those other athletes running close by, you are running against no one but yourself. Running slows the hands of time and grants the opportunity to engage in a body/mind/spirit collaboration and helps put things (life, love, existence) into perspective. It isn't easy but it gets easier with every week of training that you mark on the calendar taped inside the pantry door.

If a day goes by and I don't run I miss it. I miss the physical challenge, the mental exercise and the emotional expansion. I want all the people I love to experience this feeling of strength and self-satisfaction. Now, how to convince them all they can do it.....?

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